Debunking 7 Popular Myths About Dogs

Myths About Dogs

Dogs have been our faithful companions for thousands of years, for which they are also called as a “Man’s Best Friend”. But along the way, there are also various myths about them which have taken root in our collective understanding. These myths may have stemmed from outdated information, cultural beliefs or misunderstandings about canine behaviour.

In this blog, you will see 7 Popular Myths About Dogs, which you might have heard from others, and find the actual truth about it.

So let us get started,

Myth 1: Dogs Can Only See Black and White Colour

One of the most famous myths about dogs is that they can see the world only in black and white. Although the colour vision of dogs differs from us, they are not entirely colour blind. They only see a limited spectrum of colours, primarily in shades of blue and yellow. Colours like Red and Green may appear more muted to them; nevertheless, they are far from living in a mono-chromatic world. 

This myth probably arose from many early scientific studies that suggested that dogs had a limited vision. However, more recent research has revealed that a dog’s colour perception is more nuanced than previously thought.

Myth 2: Dog’s Mouth is Cleaner than a Humans

A lot of people believe that dogs have excellent oral hygiene, and this is why many dog owners decide not to brush their dog’s teeth. However, this is a sheer myth that doesn’t hold any water. While it is true that a dog’s mouth consists of certain enzymes which can help kill bacteria, it does not mean that they have cleaner mouths than us human beings. 

In reality, dog’s mouths are home to their unique set of bacteria. These bacterias can lead to many dental problems and infections if not properly cared for. Hence, all dog owners should regularly clean their dog’s mouth from time to time to ensure excellent oral health.

Myth 3: One Dog Year is Equal to Seven Human Years

The “one dog year equals seven human years” formula has been believed to be a truth but in reality, it is just another myth related to dogs. This myth probably became popular in an effort to equate dog’s age in human terms. However, the rate of ageing is not linear as presumed. In reality, dogs age more quickly in their early years and then slow down as they get older. 

For example, a one year old dog is roughly equivalent to a 15 year old human, but a 2 year old isn’t 14 years old in human terms. The ageing process in canines varies depending on factors like dog’s size and breed. Smaller dogs tend to live longer and age more slowly than larger dogs. 

Myth 4: Wagging Tails Always Indicate a Happy Dog

While a wagging tail often signifies happiness and excitement in dogs, it is not always an indicator of a joyful canine. Dog lovers and owners should know that the context in which a dog is wagging its tail matters tremendously. A wagging tail held high and accompanied by other relaxed body language likely signals a happy dog. Whereas a low or tucked tail could indicate fear, anxiety or submission.

Understanding the subtleties of tail language is crucial for dog owners or anyone who is interacting with a dog, for that matter. Paying attention to dogs’ body language can help improve their overall bond.

Myth 5: Senior Dogs Can’t Learn New Tricks

The saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” reinforced the misconception that seniors are less trainable than puppies. In reality, dogs of all ages can learn and adapt to new skills and tricks. While puppies learn quickly due to their youthful energy and curiosity, older dogs grasp things by their experience and are generally attentive during the training sessions.

Hence, dog owners should never hesitate while teaching their dogs tricks and commands. You can also offer some delicious dog treats to your canines that will motivate them to do better at training. 

Myth 6:  Pure-Bred Dogs are Healthier than Mixed Breed Dogs

This is one of those dog myths which is still believed to be true by a lot of people. Purebred dogs are assumed to be healthier than mixed breed dogs , mainly because the former is bred for specific traits. However, just the opposite is the case. In reality, pure-bred dogs may be more vulnerable to certain genetic disorders due to limited gene pool within a breed. Mixed breed dogs often benefit from their greater genetic diversity, which can result in improved overall health and a reduced risk of breed-specific genetic issues.

Having said that, responsible breeding practices and genetic testing can help reduce health problems in pure-bred dogs. Also, It is absolutely crucial for potential dog owners to do their research and choose a reputable breeder. 

Myth 7: All Dogs Love Hugs and Kisses

Many people express their affection for dogs by giving them hugs and kisses, thinking that all dogs enjoy this physical contact. However, this myth can lead to a lot of misunderstanding and potential discomfort for our furry friends.

While some dogs may tolerate or even enjoy hugs and kisses from their owners, not all dogs do. Each dog has their own comfort zone and preferences when it comes to physical contact. Some may feel anxious or even threatened by tight hugs or face-to-face kisses.

It’s crucial to pay attention to a dog’s body language and respect their boundaries. Signs of discomfort, such as yawning, licking lips, or trying to move away, should be taken seriously.

In a Nutshell,

You have seen the actual truth behind 7 popular dog myths, which otherwise could have created a lot of misunderstanding in you. Besides, quashing the myths of dogs is essential to build a healthier bond with them as well. So next time onwards you hear one of these myths, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to set the records straight and promote better awareness about our beloved dogs.

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