Great Backyard Bird Count – Join us each February when the world comes together to watch, learn about, count, and celebrate birds.

Spend time in your favorite places watching birds–then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the birds around you. Identify them, count them, and submit them to help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world. If you already use eBird or Merlin, your submissions over the 4 days count towards GBBC.

Beyond the Backyard: All About the Great Backyard Bird Count Webinar

Tuesday, February 13, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Eastern

Get ready to flock together for the 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC)! Panelists will explain how to participate in this exciting global event and how participation might extend past your back door.

Photo by Vindhya Sundar

Connect to Birds, to Nature, and with Each Other

Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 16–19, 2024, when the world comes together for the love of birds.

People birding around the world.
Photos clockwise from top left: Perla Laguna in Nicaragua, Lisa Burt in United States, Rofikul Islam in India, Pipope Panitchpakdi in Thailand.

Be Part of a Global Event

Watch observations roll in from around the world. Each submitted checklist becomes a glowing light on our bird sightings map.

Results from 2023 are inspiring.

Showcase Your Photos from the Count

We enjoy seeing your pictures from the count. Share pictures of birds, yourself, and others birdwatching in your yards or at your favorite birding spots.

Birds and people photos from GBBC 2023.
Photos clockwise from top left: Michael Laughlin in United States, White-capped Tanager by Ben Lucking in Ecuador, Rofikul Islam in India, Wild Turkey by Arun Manoharan in United States, Roxane Filion in Canada, Scarlet Robin by Cedric Bear in Australia, Perla Laguna in Nicaragua, Spotless Crake by JJ Harrison in Australia.

Map or Find Community Birding Events

Are you birding for GBBC as a part of a community event? Add it to the map so others can join you and so we have a better sense of how the world comes together to celebrate birds.

Looking to join a birding event for GBBC? Use the map to find events near you.

Events happen all over the world during GBBC.
Birding on a cold day in Canada
Paula Brown in Canada

We all need an incentive to get outside mid-winter and look for birds beyond what we can see from our windows. It’s fun to see the little flashes of light on the map when we submit our counts, among the thousands around the world, and we know our data matter.

Barb Gorges, Wyoming, United States

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