Owning a Pet Turtle

Turtles are one of the most popular, exotic and fascinating creatures available in a pet store. If you are thinking of adopting a pet turtle, your main prerogative must be to be well informed and aware of the techniques for creating a suitable habitat for your turtle, including a dry area and a wet area. Did you know that turtles can live up to 40-50 years old? You pet’s going to be your companion for most of your life. Don’t they deserve the best possible care you can give them? To ensure that your pet turtle is delivered high maintenance and proper care, you need to be well endowed with the basic information regarding your pet turtle’s care, treatment, diet and factual data.

Pet turtles flourish the best when they are kept outside in the open. Turtles are animals that indulge in hibernation during the winter months and if they are confined inside during those months, they will not but obviously not hibernate as they will not know what time of the year it is. In case they fail to hibernate, it may invite unwelcome health ailments of the liver. Further, pet turtles must be permitted to stay out in the natural environment to enjoy heat of the sun, graze on grass and marvel in the fresh surroundings.

If you decide otherwise and keep your pets largely indoors, then make sure you provide at least a forty gallon tank size in which your turtle can swim around freely. This is essential because there needs to be enough elbow space for a water only area as well as a dry land area and sufficient room between the two for the turtle to survive comfortably. A minimum of 1/3rd of the tank must be devoted to land and a part of this dry land must have direct access to rays provided by a UV light. The best way to offer this is to have large, flat rocks under the lamp that gives the turtle ample area to bask themselves. A temperature of about 80 degrees during the day and 70degress during the night must be regulated and maintained.

Unfortunately but true, turtles are not pets that are meant to be played with. They are best to be observed and watched from a distance through the walls of the tank. Turtles are cold blooded pets and hence it takes them a while to adapt to change in temperature. Taking a turtle out from its comfortable warm tank gives them quite a shock and could also hurt their immune system. Proper turtle care and maintenance commands for it to be as unchanging and predictable as possible. Most turtles, both land and water based, require a similar diet consisting of fresh, leafy greens and vegetables. Some kinds of land based turtles such as the box turtles or tortoise do not demand very extensive habitats and a very basic but safe enclosed outdoor housing is sufficient. Other turtle and terrapins, by contrast require both a dry as well as a wet environment.

Caring for and tending to turtles can be extremely rewarding and satisfying provided it is executed with a sense of commitment and integrity. If you are looking for a quiet and serene but still an exotic and affectionate animal to raise as a pet, you must consider a turtle. Most pet owners are ultimately satisfied with their decision and despite the fact that turtles are not huggable and cuddly pets, they exude warmth and love like any other four legged pet.


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