Curious mind intrigued, and important question answered

A while back, I made a video about the Genesis ceramic blocks from Polyp Labs.

Reflecting on it, I realize I’ve covered quite a few similar products when there was spike of interest in these types of products as bonsai-style and minimalist style of aquascaping have gained popularity in our hobby.

I remember being impressed by the marketing claim, “These blocks have enough surface area to cover a tennis court!” At the time, I took the information at face value. But when fellow reefers started asking me more in-depth questions, I realized that I didn’t really understand the calculations or formulas behind these products.

To dig deeper, I reached out to Phil from Polyp Labs to learn how they calculate the surface area, and what kind of process it goes through in order to get the actual numbers for porosity of these ceramic blocks. I learned a great deal during our conversation and through making this video, and I hope you’ll learn something new too!

Happy Reefing!

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