Best Pets For Kids

Hamsters make the perfect beginners pet for younger children. Having a pet hamster will be much more interesting that a smaller pet like a goldfish. There are many reasons why these fuzzy little guys are perfect for kids.

Let’s cover the basics. Hamsters are very easily taken care of and won’t take up to much room. To take care of a hamster your child will have to, with your supervision, feed his new pet daily and make sure that the hamsters water bottle is full. Another chore that your child will have to preform is weekly hamster cage cleanings. This is a great way to teach your child responsibility without them even knowing it.

Hamsters are cheap. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg just to get this little pet for your son or daughter. Here’s all you will need:

1. A hamster cage – $15 – $25

2. A water bottle – $5

3. Some bedding – $10

4. Some hamster food – $5

5. A hamster – $10 – $20

So you see you can have your own little hamster ecosystem all set up for your child for around $40 to $65. This of course excludes hamster toys, chewing blocks and other hamster gadgets. I recommend at least one or two hamster toys and a chewing block. The chewing block will help prevent the over growth of your pet’s front teeth.

Hamsters are the type of pet the require very little work. The only difference between hamsters and fish, another low maintenance pet, is that your child will enjoy interacting with their furry new friend. For all the reasons listed above, I hope you can see that hamsters really are the perfect pets for young children.

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