Cat Frozen To The Ground, Barely Alive, Rescued

Jenay Chartier, an employee of Macomb County Public Works, discovered a cat in desperate need of help in a cul-de-sac north of Detroit. Upon examining the cat, she found the back paws, a front paw and tail were frozen and stuck in the snow. She managed to free the little black cat using towels and water and brought it with her to work for the remaining hour of her shift.

Jenay’s colleague checked the cat (named ‘Freezy’) for fleas and mites before Chartier took it to the vet where it was estimated to be one to two years old. Freezy’s story spread across Facebook and drew attention from Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Candice Miller who reminded pet owners to keep their animals inside during cold weather.

Jenay said

“Maybe it’s just meant to be. I just want her to have a great life.”

Cat rescued in Chesterfield Twp. was frozen to the ground, ‘barely alive’

Jenay Chartier was driving in what is to be a new subdivision in Chesterfield Township when she spotted something black in the middle of a cul-de-sac. She wondered whether someone threw out trash, so she parked her work truck to check it out. “Before I opened my door, I’m like ‘Oh, my God, it’s a cat!”

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