Dog & Puppy Toilet Training

Potty training your dog

Toilet training, or as it is sometimes referred to, potty training a dog or a puppy is generally thought of as being a difficult, onerous task. It is common for new dog owners to resign themselves to the fact that their puppy will toilet inside on a regular basis until it is old enough to know better.

A few simple considerations when toilet training

In fact this does not need to be the case. Dog potty training is actually very simple. There are two major considerations to consider for dog toilet training to be successful. They are:

1. Eliminate opportunities for the puppy or dog to toilet inside.
2. Praise the puppy or dog on every occasion that it toilets outside.

Inside or Outside?

If the puppy is allowed inside – contain it by using a dog containment pen, in an area where it can be observed. There are numerous dog pens available at pet stores or on the internet. If possible contain the puppy next to an open door so that he has the option to take himself outside to toilet. If given the choice between indoor and outdoors, a dog will naturally toilet outdoors. By containing the puppy in this manner, the opportunities for it to toilet at will inside the house are all but eradicated. Every time the pup wakes up ensure that it goes outside (you will have to take it outside if it is not contained next to an open door).

Establishing a routine when toilet training

When you do take the pup outside it is important to take it to the exact same spot in the garden to toilet. This will encourage the puppy to potty at that location due to the fact that there will be scent left from previous toileting. The pup will soon associate this area with toileting.

Give the puppy a command such as ‘toilet’ or ‘be quick’ every time you take it to that area. Continue to repeat the command when the pup is in the area and especially when the pup is in the actual process of toileting. This will assist the pup to associate the command with the action of toileting. In a short amount of time with this routine the puppy should be able to toilet on command, at that location.

Praise your puppy

The most important part of the puppy toilet training process is to ensure that the pup is praised, every time that it toilets in the desired area. This is essential. This positive reinforcement will speed up the puppy toilet training process immensely. Always take your pup to that exact spot, always use the same command and always praise the pup when it is toileting there.

Housebreaking your puppy

If the pup ever does toilets inside, do not discipline it and certainly do not ever rub its nose in the mess. Many people think that rubbing the puppy’s nose in the mess will stop it from toileting inside. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Simply take the pup outside to the same spot, and issue the command to toilet. If he toilets there, again lavish him with praise. Whether or not he does toilet there is not important – the important fact is that you have reinforced to the puppy where it should toilet.

If you yell at the pup, hit him or rub his nose in the mess, you will only compound the problem. This will not stop the pup from toileting inside; it will only complicate things by making the puppy toilet inside where you can’t see him!

Keep it consistent

Simply put; eradicate the pups opportunities to potty inside, take him to the same spot outside, repeat the command and concentrate on the positive, which is a lot of praise when he toilets there.

In no time at all the puppy will happily take himself to that spot because you have provided a lot of positive reinforcement and made the whole ordeal very simple for both of you.

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