Inverting water flow direction in tank

Hey everyone,

As I wait for my future tank (36 long, 20 wide, 18 tall), I am already thinking about using 2 MP10’s for it, and realized that if I do that, I could put them both on one of the short sides, and by properly tweaking the settings, I could make the flow go in one direction (for instance clockwise) then reverse them and do the other one (counter-clockwise).

What I have in mind is the following (imagine the two on the left, one in front, one in back):
– during the day, run a random pattern with max power at 100% on the back pump, and the second one in anti-sync but at only 20% (or whichever minimal it can do). Or maybe just run in the second random pattern (eg: one in lagoon, the other in reef crest) at 20% to create some randomness.
– during the night, do the opposite
– but when transitioning from night/day and day/night I would like the future “main pump” to run by itself, at 100% in constant mode, for several minutes, to “get the flow started” in the direction I want it.

The goal is to have the ability to have a lot of random pattern but “in a general direction” (I am French after all so I do lots of things in a general direction) most of the time, but on transitions it would be like a tide going up or down.

Has anyone tried anything like that?

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