Jack Resurrects the Reef Builders Studio Soft Coral Acrylic Tank | Reef Builders

The Fat Cube second-hand acrylic tank was one of Jake Adams’ last projects in the Reef Builders Studio, and sadly, one that he didn’t get to see come to full fruition. Jake passed away in October 2022, and the then-still newly set up tank proved one tank too many in his absence.

But with Jack Murray in residence now in the Studio, and bringing his own passion and determination for fish, corals, and all things reef, he thought it was high time to set it up again, and with a soft coral tank in mind, the Leather Cube was born.

Those of you who know presenter Remy and his fascination for Sarcophyton will know any softy tank gets the thumbs up from him. He’s right – anyone can succeed with softies – so if you’re planning a super simple reef tank that won’t cost the Earth or have you pulling your hair out from dead corals and number chasing, give it a go…  

Take it away, Jack… 


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