Lifespan, Types, Size and Breeding

There are many clown fish out there but there’s only one Snowflake Clownfish! It is sometimes difficult to differentiate the species among these fish but you should always be able to identify the snowflake because of its white patterns (make sure to understand the difference between percula and ocellaris). 

We love this fish because of its peaceful nature and colorful body which is compatible with many other saltfish allowing your tank to become one of a kind. 

We are sure this guide will help in your journey to care for a Snowflake Clownfish and the information will be as easy to digest as snowflakes melting in your hands. We cover everything you will need from diet and behavior, to tank mates and diseases so let’s dive in! 

Scientific Name: Amphiprion ocellaris
Popular Snowflake Clownfish: Picasso, Premium, Extreme, Snowflake Onyx, Black, Standard, Black Ice.
Reef Safe: Yes
Lifespan: 3-6 years
Size: 3-4 inches
Care Level: Low / Easy 
Diet: Mysis and brine shrimp, high-quality pellets and flakes, algae-based foods
Water Parameters: 72-78 F, 8-12 dKH , 8.1-8.4 pH, 1.020-1.025 SG
Tank Size: 20 gallons
Behavior: Pacefull 
Breeding: Low difficulty 

Species Summary

We consider the Snowflake Clownfish a true marvel of the marine aquarium community. Known scientifically as Amphiprion ocellaris, this variant of the common clownfish has won the hearts of aquarists with its unique and striking patterns. 

Each Snowflake Clownfish boasts a one-of-a-kind design of white patterns against a vivid orange backdrop, resembling a snowflake’s intricate beauty.

Where do they come from? Native to the warm waters of the Western Pacific, particularly around the coasts of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, these clownfish are typically found in shallow reefs and lagoons. 

How deep can we find them? They reside at depths ranging from the surface down to about 50 feet, often nestled in anemones. 

In the aquarium community, they’re celebrated not just for their beauty, but also for their hardy nature and interactive personalities, making them an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. 

The Snowflake Clown fish stands out as a charismatic and resilient species, bringing a splash of oceanic wonder to any saltwater tank.


Analogies always help! Picture the classic clownfish orange, and now imagine it artfully splattered with unique patterns of white, resembling a snowflake’s delicate form. No two Snowflake Clownfish have the same pattern, making each one a swimming work of art in your tank.

Compared to their relative, the Percula Clownfish, known for its defined stripes, the Snowflake Clownfish’s patterns are more random and spread out, giving it a more whimsical and unpredictable charm.

Author Note: Percula and Ocellaris clownfish look very similar but they are not the same. Percula species have broader black stripes bordering the white bands. 

Their bodies are robust and somewhat rounded, a common trait in the clownfish family. But it’s their distinct patterning that really turns heads – it’s like they’ve been to a fish fashion show and decided to go avant-garde! 

In the saltwater aquarium community, these little guys are like the trendsetters of the reef, showing off that when it comes to style, they’re not afraid to stand out from the school.

Snowflake Clownfish come in a variety of stunning types, each with its own unique flair. Here are some of the most popular kinds that captivate aquarists:

  • Standard Snowflake Clownfish: This is the classic variety, featuring the iconic irregular white patterns against a bright orange base. Their patterns are reminiscent of snowflakes, hence the name.
  • Extreme Snowflake Clownfish: As the name suggests, these have more extensive white markings that cover a larger portion of their body. The extreme variety stands out for its bold and dramatic patterning.
  • Black Snowflake Clownfish: A mesmerizing twist on the standard, this variety boasts a darker, almost black base color. The contrast between the deep base and the white patterns is striking.
  • Picasso Snowflake Clownfish: A blend of the Picasso and Snowflake varieties, these fish have a more abstract pattern. They combine the intricate lines of the Picasso with the snowy blotches of the Snowflake.
  • Premium Snowflake Clownfish: Selected for their particularly impressive patterns, these fish are the show-stoppers of the Snowflake world. They feature large, distinct, and often symmetric white patterns.
  • Snowflake Onyx Clownfish: Imagine you mix a Snowflake Clownfish and an Onyx Percula to get this Snow Onyx Clownfish. The black spots start out light when they’re babies but get darker and more interesting as they grow up.
  • Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish: This wonderful species is a mix of black ocellaris and a snowflake done by ORA (Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums). The combination of the shaded orange color and bright white surrounded by black makes it very unique. 

Each of these Snowflake Clownfish varieties brings its own unique beauty to the tank, making them a favorite among enthusiasts who appreciate diversity and a splash of elegance in their aquatic setups.


The Snowflake Clownfish typically enjoys a hearty lifespan of up to 3-6 years, sometimes even longer with exceptional care. This compares favorably to their wild counterparts, who often face more challenges and may have shorter lifespans.

Factors influencing their longevity include quality of diet, tank conditions, and stress levels. Ensuring their world inside the tank closely mimics the natural reef habitats they come from plays a key role in their overall health and longevity.

Average Size

These clown fish are the compact cars of the marine world – small, efficient, and perfectly suited for the reef environment. Typically, Snowflake Clownfish grow to an average size of about 3 to 4 inches in length. They’re not going to be the tank’s “big fish,” but they certainly pack a lot of personality into a small package.

Snowflake Clownfish Care

Caring for Snowflake Clownfish is a rewarding journey into the vibrant world of marine aquariums. So make sure to keep the following information handy.

Tank Size

For Snowflake Clownfish, a minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended. This space is essential not only for their physical movement but also for psychological well-being. 

A larger tank allows for more stable water conditions and reduces stress, promoting healthier lives. It also provides adequate room for hosting anemones, which are crucial for replicating their natural symbiotic relationship and enhancing their quality of life.

Water Parameters

Maintaining the correct water parameters is vital for the health and well-being of Snowflake Clownfish. Here are the key ranges to aim for:

Water temperature 72-78°F (22-25.5°C) This range is optimal for mimicking their natural tropical environment and supports healthy metabolism.
pH levels 8.1-8.4. A stable pH in this range is crucial for their physiological well-being and helps in maintaining a robust immune system.
Water hardness 8-12 dKH Keeping within this range ensures the water isn’t too hard or soft, which is important for their bodily functions..
Specific gravity 1.020-1.025 This salinity level mirrors the oceanic conditions of their natural habitat and is essential for proper hydration and overall health.

Each of these parameters plays a significant role in creating a hospitable environment for Snowflake Clownfish. 

Author Note: Make sure to regularly monitor and adjust the parameters to maintain these conditions as they can easily fluctuate with the addition or removal of fish (or just simply as they grow up).

Tank Setup

Setting up the ideal tank for Snowflake Clownfish involves a few key elements to replicate their natural habitat:

  • Substrate: A sandy bottom is recommended, as it closely resembles the seafloor of their natural reef environment.
  • Lighting: Moderate lighting is sufficient, mimicking the natural light conditions of a coral reef. This also supports any live corals or plants in the tank.
  • Filtration: A high-quality filtration system is crucial to maintain clean and stable water conditions. Clownfish aren’t overly sensitive to currents, but avoid excessively strong flows.
  • Aquascaping: Include plenty of hiding spots and ideally, an anemone or similar structures for them to form a symbiotic relationship with. Rocks and corals also provide natural barriers and territories, making the tank more comfortable and engaging for these playful fish.

Are Snowflake Clownfish Reef Safe?

Snowflake Clownfish are indeed reef safe, making them excellent inhabitants for a reef tank. Both juveniles and adults typically coexist peacefully with corals and other invertebrates. They seldom nip at or harm coral structures. 

Author Note: To ensure a thriving reef tank with Snowflake Clownfish, provide ample swimming space and hiding spots to prevent stress. 

It’s beneficial to establish a symbiotic relationship with an anemone, which can enhance the clownfish’s natural behavior and overall health in a reef environment.

Common Possible Diseases & Prevention

Snowflake Clownfish, like all marine aquarium fish, can be prone to certain diseases. Recognizing these and understanding prevention and treatment methods is key to their well-being.

Specific Diseases and Symptoms:

  • Marine Ich (White Spot Disease): Look for white, salt-like spots on the body, fins, and gills. Fish may scratch against objects.
  • Brooklynellosis (Clownfish Disease): Symptoms include rapid breathing, excess mucus production, and listlessness.
  • Bacterial Infections: Indicated by ulcers, red streaks, or fin rot.

Prevention Tips and Treatment Methods:

  • Quarantine New Fish: Always quarantine new additions to prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Maintain Water Quality: Regular water changes and stable water parameters help prevent diseases.
  • Healthy Diet: A nutritious diet boosts the immune system, making fish less susceptible to diseases.
  • Regular Observation: Monitor your fish for early signs of illness.
  • Proper Treatment: For marine ich, copper-based medications can be effective in a quarantine tank. For bacterial infections, antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian are needed. In the case of Brooklynellosis, formalin treatments can be effective.

Preventive care is the best approach, but timely treatment is crucial in case of an outbreak. 

Food & Diet

Snowflake Clownfish enjoy a balanced diet of mysis and brine shrimp, high-quality pellets and flakes, and algae-based foods. The recommended feeding schedule is small portions 2-3 times a day to mimic their natural feeding habits.   

This varied diet not only ensures robust health but also contributes to the Snowflake Clownfish’s bright coloration. Regular, balanced feedings result in healthier, more active, and more vividly colored fish.

Behavior & Temperament

The snowflake clown fish are known for their playful and sociable nature, making them a delightful addition to any saltwater aquarium. They exhibit daily patterns of swimming through the tank, often exploring and interacting with various elements, especially if anemones are present.

In terms of social dynamics, these clownfish are generally peaceful but can exhibit territorial behavior, particularly around their chosen anemone or hiding spot. To manage potential aggression and maintain harmony:

  • Provide adequate space for each fish, especially if keeping multiple clownfish.
  • Include various hiding spots and visual barriers within the tank to reduce territorial disputes.
  • Introduce new tank mates cautiously to ensure compatibility.

Author Note: Understanding and catering to their social needs and behaviors helps ensure a tranquil and engaging environment for Snowflake Clownfish and their tank mates.

Snowflake Clownfish Tank Mates & Predators

Snowflake Clownfish thrive in a peaceful community aquarium. Choosing the right tank mates is crucial for a harmonious environment.

Ideal Tank Mates:

  • Peaceful Fish: Species like Gobies, Dartfish, and smaller Wrasses, which are not aggressive, make great companions.
  • Other Clownfish: If the tank is large enough, other types of clownfish can coexist, but be mindful of potential territorial disputes.
  • Reef Invertebrates: Shrimps, Snails, and Crabs are generally safe and add diversity without causing stress.

Predators and Protection:

  • Larger Aggressive Fish: Avoid large predatory fish like Lionfish or Groupers, which can pose a threat to Snowflake Clown fish.
  • Adequate Hiding Places: Providing plenty of hiding spots helps clownfish evade potential threats and reduces stress.
  • Careful Acclimation: Introduce new fish gradually to assess compatibility and reduce the risk of aggression.


Breeding Snowflake Clownfish in your aquarium can be as exciting as a season finale in a TV series, with a bit of drama and a lot of care. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Pair Formation: Often, they’ll pair up naturally. If you’re playing matchmaker, introduce a slightly larger and a smaller fish to encourage pairing.
  2. Clownfish Ratio: Have two male clownfish for each female, with males being at least 6 inches long and acclimated for 30 days.
  3. Spawning Site: Provide a flat surface or a small pot for them to lay eggs (they can release up to 2000 eggs at once). They usually choose a spot near their anemone or a similar structure.
  4. Egg Care: Watch the parental instincts kick in. The male typically guards and aerates the eggs by fanning them.
  5. Hatching: After 6-8 days, the eggs hatch, usually at night.
  6. Fry Care: Initially, feed the fry with rotifers or specially formulated clownfish larval food. As they grow, graduate them to larger foods.

Author Note: Snowflake Clownfish reach maturity at 6 months of age but they can take almost 2 years to be sexually mature. Also, if possible make sure the males are 4 or more inches in length and have been in the tank for over a month. 

Remember, clownfish parenting is a team effort, and these pairs are quite the diligent duo. With patience and care, you’ll be a clownfish grandparent in no time!


We hope you enjoyed this great guide as much as we enjoyed writing it! Keeping Snowflake Clownfish offers a blend of joy and challenge, perfect for both novice and seasoned aquarists. 

Their vibrant patterns and engaging personalities light up any tank, while their care needs offer a great introduction to saltwater aquariums for beginners and still hold interest for experts. 

For those intrigued by the allure of marine aquariums, check our other saltwater care guides and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. If you will be sharing cool photos of your clown fish in social media don’t forget to tag us on Facebook!

FAQ Section

Q: Do Snowflake Clownfish need an anemone?
A: While they love a good anemone partner, it’s not a must-have. They can still thrive without one as long as they have other suitable hiding spots.

Q: Can I have different types of clownfish in the tank?
A: Yes but try to stay within the same species without mixing percula and ocellaris clownfish. And always keep in mind the tank size requirements depending the number of fish. 

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