Looking For a Pet Snake

Most people, when they hear the word snake, have feelings of fear. While most snakes are actually quite gentle creatures, their features in horror books and film have given us an unreasonable view of these reptiles.

If you put aside the reputation they have gained and take a look at them with an open mind, you will see that many snakes can make wonderful pets. Though they are not the right pets for everyone. Snakes have some very specific requirements with food, shelter, temperature and handling and commitment. Before purchasing a snake for a pet, it’s a good idea to do research on the type of pet snake you’re looking for and what care and commitment requirements they may have. If you are worried about getting a pet snake because of having to handle the snake itself, many snakes are quite tame with proper handling.

Out of the diverse variety of snakes, however, there are only a few that will make good pets. These excellent types of pet snake range from garter snakes to more exotic snakes like the ball python.

Each species has its own unique needs and care instructions. When deciding on the type of snake you want, you need to consider these needs before getting your snake as a pet. The things you might want to consider are things like life span. How large the snake that you choose will get. Some snakes can get very large, so if you don’t have a lot of room, you may want to choose a pet snake that will stay smaller in size. Not matter what type or size of snake you choose for your pet, make sure you get a secure enclosure. Snakes have an uncanny way of getting out cages. If you don’t want to have to chase your snake around, make sure you get a cage that latches securely.

When choosing your snake, choose a reputable breeder and choose captive breeds over wild. Captive-bred snakes are tamer, easier to handle, and usually better eaters. They are also not prone to some of the illnesses you’ll find a wild snake prone to. Another consideration is feeding. Wild snakes will be used to live prey, making it harder to get them to eat already killed prey. Captive-bred are usually started on already killed prey so are less likely to refuse to eat. Also, already killed prey means less chance of injury to your snake and can be bought frozen. So you don’t have to raise and kill the food of your snake.

Of the snakes to choose from for pets, look at king snakes, corn snakes and ball pythons. The king snakes and corn snakes usually live about 20 years. So be ready for a commitment.

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