Reef Builders welcomes Sanjay Joshi! | Reef Builders

Sanjay Joshi needs no introduction as most of us grew up following his every word on lighting, his pioneering Penn State reef tank, and his frequent talks and appearances at societies and reef shows.

By day Sanjay is a Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at Penn State University and has been on the reefing scene since 1992. As well as the 500-gallon Uni tank Sanjay has his own awesome 500-gallon SPS dominant reef tank at home. He has published several articles in magazines over the years including Marine Fish and Reef Annual, Aquarium Frontiers, Aquarium Fish, and Advanced Aquarist. He has been an invited speaker at several marine aquarium society meetings in the US and Europe, including headlining our very own ReefStock. He received the MASNA award for his contributions to the marine aquarium hobby in 2006, and what this man doesn’t know about lighting isn’t worth knowing. 

Sanjay Joshi is aquarium royalty and we’re so pleased to have him join, and educate us here at Reef Builders. Welcome, Sanjay!

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