Taking Care of Your Pet Bird

Birds make for wonderful pets for people of all ages. There are a number of beautiful and unique species to choose from. There are some birds that are known to talk and learn words if you teach them. There are also plenty of birds that can sing. The good thing about birds is that they are quite low maintenance, but there a few things you need to keep in mind while keeping one of these colorful feathered friends in your home. In this article I am going to discuss a few tips on how to take care of your pet bird.

First of all you need to take the bird’s health into account. The first and most important thing you can do is to take your bird to the veterinarian. Your new pet needs to undergo a complete body check. The doctor will check for any diseases as well as provide the necessary vaccinations. A good way to check if your bird is healthy is to check his or her feathers. Please make sure that you take your bird for a check up every couple of months. A good veterinarian will give you advice on your pet’s diet and routine. They will also be able to give you information on the bird’s medical needs and hygiene. Pet stores often tell their customers that their pet birds do not need any medical attention. This is a big misconception. So be sure to take your pet to the veterinarian.

After taking your pet to the vet you want to start looking for a nice, large bird cage. Make sure you buy one that is roomy and spacious, this way your pet has plenty of room to move around inside his or her cage. You should buy a bird cage with a few perches, I personally suggest that you buy a cage that comes with natural branches. Also try and clean your bird cage as often as possible. If you clean the cage once in 2 days you should be fine. This ensures that your bird has a clean environment to roam freely in.

Thirdly you need to buy a bird cage cover for your pets. It is very important to buy a bird cage cover as this ensures that your pet gets the rest it needs. Bird cage covers provide the perfect cover for your pets. This gives them the feeling of resting or sleeping in the wild. These bird cage covers are designed to let in just the right amount of light for your pets.

Lastly let’s look at what to feed your birds. Most people often tend to believe that birds live off seeds. This is another big misconception. Seeds do make up an important part of a birds diet but remember that seeds need to be just 50{b4c3cb26b22b4a0d9a0cbb5d07743c1101939c0d8eb5ae3934d6228592aff3a9} of your pet’s diet. The other 50{b4c3cb26b22b4a0d9a0cbb5d07743c1101939c0d8eb5ae3934d6228592aff3a9} should consist of people foods as I like to call it. You can feed them green leafy vegetables, fruits, cheese as well as lean meats like fish and chicken. Make sure you buy a water container and food container for your pet. Remember to clean both these containers as this will prevent them from getting any sort of infection.

So the next time you are thinking of bringing home a new pet bird, do keep this information in mind

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